Anglès Montse is a part of SC Network that started in Sweden and was registered as a company in Olot 2008. We believe that everyone can and want to learn and that everything is possible with the right support from a good pedagogue.
M'encanten els idiomes, sempre m'han agradat i ja de petita tenia facilitat per aprendre'ls. He estudiat anglès, francès, alemany, italià i japonès però m'he centrat molt específicament en l'anglès. Em considero privilegiada per tenir una feina que m'omple i em motiva. Veure com la mainada i persones de totes les edats poden aprendre i millorar el seu nivell d'anglès i la seva capacitat de comunicar-se és com un regal per a mi. Cada persona és diferent i cada una té un ritme i una manera d'aprendre. El meu repte cada dia és trobar la manera d'ajudar-los. Sempre dic que tothom poc aprendre, n'estic convençuda.
I was born in Sweden and have been working with learning issues for over 40 years. I have a big passion for educational development and experience as a school leader and principal for children and adults coordinating educational activities in one of Sweden's regions. I have a formal education from the government as a school principal, a Bachelor of Social Science, Labour Economics and Human Resource Management, and a pedagogue for Adult Education
Hello! I’m Irina and I was born in Olot. I studied Fine Arts and Artistic Education for five years in Barcelona. I truly believe art can be an excellent education tool when learning, both for adults and children. I’m very glad to take part of Anglès Montses team and I hope we’ll have good moments all together.